Introducing Compiled Templates for RPG-XML Suite
Change (or in this case, updates) can be so, so good! Beginning with v3.0 of RPG-XML Suite, Krengeltech has introduced a new and improved method of composing XML via a template. We like to call this new method “compiled templates” and it has some great advantages: Accessing the IFS at run time is eliminated and […]
Parsing JSON with RPG-XML Suite 3.3
With the release of RPG-XML Suite version 3.3, Krengel Technology is bringing JSON to the IBM i. This article was originally posted on our RPG-XML Suite product website, and has since been updated. JSON is becoming increasingly popular in web service communication, and we are eager to help our customers take full advantage of this […]
Composing JSON with RPG-XML Suite 3.3
This article was originally posted on our RPG-XML Suite product website, and has since been updated. With the release of RPG-XML Suite version 3.3, Krengel Technology is bringing JSON to the IBM i. Take advantage of our extensive toolkit to easily build your web service communication solution, all in native RPG. What is JSON? Much […]
RPG-XML Suite and Jobvite – HR Recruitment on IBM i
This article was originally posted on our RPG-XML Suite product website. Recently, we worked with the Jennie-O company who had a desire to improve the overall processes of publishing jobs and recruiting candidates for new job postings through their web site . The core goal was to improve efficiencies by preventing repeated data entry and make […]
Handling Encoded SOAP Body Content
Aaron Bartell, Senior Developer at Krengel Technology, explains how to wrangle the complexities of .NET SOAP XML using RPG-XML Suite and the RXS_soapDecode API.
Verify Addresses with FedEx using RPG-XML Suite
Aaron Bartell, Senior Developer at Krengel Technology, shows how easy it is to communicate with FedEx web services using RPG-XML Suite, and fulfill an important business function – address validation.