Community-Developed Dashboard With Node and DB2
In article “Riding ExpressJs and Node.js to the Web,” you learned how to create a simple ExpressJs application complete with database access and a view layer. With this newfound knowledge, I thought it would be good to produce a tool for internal use that utilizes IBM’s ever-growing list of DB2 for i Services.
IBM I Toolkit For Ruby – iit For Short
Ruby, Git, and Forking repos. How to make them all click and participate in the open source community.
A (root) Change for the Better (part II)
(Originally published in January 2016 by IBM Systems Magazine). In article “A (root) Change For The Better“, I discussed how to create a “chroot environment”. In brief summary, chroot is a command that facilitates changing the apparent root of your current IBM i job (aka PASE process) so that it thinks the current sub […]
The Community Ruby Brings to IBM i
When PowerRuby was first introduced in October of 2013, I penned the following quote for the announcement: There’s something special going on with Ruby and Rails. Never before has there been such coordinated community efforts to efficiently produce reusable code (aka gems) in such open and social fashions. Coding is fun again. We want to […]